Many things will be happening to you in April over which you won't have control. Generally speaking, you are flexible and don't get too exercised when life starts playing tricks on you. But this particular month will be trying for Monkeys. The Tiger's helter skelter influence is unsettling. Don't panic. You are the type of person who manages to wriggle his or her way out of most any scrape. You're stronger than you look and your sense of humor helps you to keep reversals in perspective.
What tricks am I threatening here? For starters, your job ambiance in uncomfortable. Either a boss or a co-worker keeps trying to stop you from advancing your ideas.
For Monkeys, whose job in life is to solve problems, this sort of resistance is beyond frustrating. You don't care to be the boss. But you do need to be respected for your skills. So trick number one is work environment sticky.
Further, in the first half of April, your main squeeze (if you have one) will be ultra dissatisfied about something that you cannot change or fix. Much grousing will be heard. Grin and bear it.
If you don't have someone in your domestic life, this is not likely to be the month you will find a suitable mate. You will be able to take a few moments for a fling. But you will know going in that it won't work out long term.
To make things more interesting, on the 18th we enter a period of Mercury retrograde which means everything electronic and mechanical starts crumping out. Deals do not get made. People break their promises. It gets so bad sometimes that whenever you answer the phone there is never anyone there. Mercury retrograde lasts until May 11. Don't sign anything binding till it's over.
To weather the storms of April 2010, Monkeys should amuse themselves. Learn some new jokes. Take juggling lessons. Go to an improve class. Attend comedy shows. Read funny books. May does look a lot better for you. Meanwhile, no matter what they say or do to bring you down, when you stalk out ... always leave 'em laughing.
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