How can we have the simple life, the less life? These are the following suggestions:
1. Doing One Thing At A Time - Avoid multi-tasking. Whenever possible, remind yourself to focus on the Now, and fully immerse yourself in the subtle joys of this moment.
2. Slow down - The key to being effective and productive is to work strategically, not blindly, by understanding why you are doing what you’re doing.
3. Be The Important - The only time we are guaranteed to have is this moment. Since the only time we have is right now, make sure you’re using your right now the way you truly want.
4. Clear the clutter - Clearing the clutter from your home and from your life is easier said than done.
5. Control Your Spending - We spend on what we need, but we forget why we are doing what we’re doing, and the spending becomes a habit.
6. Enjoy What You Have - It is said that in order to live the life you love, you have to love the life you have. No one person has everything they want; but we all have some things worth enjoying. So focus on those things and enjoy them!
7. Be Gracious - Take time to be grateful for what you already have, however much or little you own.
8. Think Simple - We can find so much happiness in the small everything things. They are there if we seek them, and when we seek, we shall find.
“Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.“
~ Confucius
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