Friday, July 31, 2009

Thinking of You

Ow ow ow... why you suddenly crossing in my mind?
Playing with your nice smile and starring with your brown eyes?
Why then my heart beat faster when I'm thinking of you too.............

Is it what people call L.O.V.E ?

Friday, July 17, 2009

Another Explosions in Jakarta

Everybody shocked this morning!!!
2 explosions in JW Marriot and Ritz Carlton Hotel, Jakarta, so far (until 3pm) there are 9 people died and 52 people in hospital..
My deep condolences to all the victims and I'm cursing the bombers
Let Indonesia be peace, please...


Dear God,
Thank you very much for today
It is hurt but it is true and real...
Just give me more strengthen to continue my life and more grateful to You

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Mencoba Bertahan....

Kucoba bertahan semampuku
Dari semua serangan dalam diri ini yang menginginkan sesuatu...

Kucoba bertahan untuk kebaikanku sendiri
Kucoba bertahan dan melawan ini semua

God, please stay with me....

Monday, July 13, 2009

Something cross in my mind..

all the worried... all the intuitive...all my curiosity...
are they trying to say the right things about you?

What will I do if they're right?
Will you broke it?
Will I able to stand up and move on?

Friday, July 10, 2009

Simple Life (part 2)

How can we have the simple life, the less life? These are the following suggestions:

1. Doing One Thing At A Time - Avoid multi-tasking. Whenever possible, remind yourself to focus on the Now, and fully immerse yourself in the subtle joys of this moment.

2. Slow down - The key to being effective and productive is to work strategically, not blindly, by understanding why you are doing what you’re doing.

3. Be The Important - The only time we are guaranteed to have is this moment. Since the only time we have is right now, make sure you’re using your right now the way you truly want.

4. Clear the clutter - Clearing the clutter from your home and from your life is easier said than done.

5. Control Your Spending - We spend on what we need, but we forget why we are doing what we’re doing, and the spending becomes a habit.

6. Enjoy What You Have - It is said that in order to live the life you love, you have to love the life you have. No one person has everything they want; but we all have some things worth enjoying. So focus on those things and enjoy them!

7. Be Gracious - Take time to be grateful for what you already have, however much or little you own.

8. Think Simple - We can find so much happiness in the small everything things. They are there if we seek them, and when we seek, we shall find.

Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.
~ Confucius

Simple Life

The joy and art of having less while enjoying more of life can be summed up, as follows:

  • The Zen of Space - There is beauty in space, but we fail to recognize it because we can’t see through the stuff we own. When we open up physical space in our environment, a tremendous feeling of peace can dwell within us. This is the principle behind Japanese style homes. Beauty in small spaces is the appreciation of minimalism, where less truly is more. We need to understand that space is to be enjoyed, not filled.
  • Conserved Energy - Fewer belongings means we have fewer possessions to worry about. I once knew a wealthy young man, who had anything he dreamt of. He had so many expensive things, and he was so afraid of losing them. Much of his energy was devoted to protecting his possessions and trophies.
  • Free Your Space - When we are reminded of something we own but never use, we can impose self-inflicted guilt for leaving it unused. For example, my mother owns a several exercise machines which are rarely used. Each time she sees them, she forces herself to feel guilty. Her guilt eats away at her inner, mental space. Our outer world is a reflection of our inner world. By cleaning out and simplifying our outer space, our inner space will open up like a flower.
  • Appreciation - The less we have, the more attention we can give those things we own and truly need on a regular basis. Appreciation is the seed for abundance; abundance of the mind and the soul. It’s pretty amazing how little we actually need. When we clear our homes and our lives down to the essentials, we are able to better enjoy that which we do have.

Thanks God


I wish the best for you
Hope we can forget all the bad things in the past and move on
Good luck for you and hopefully 'all' is deleted

A perfect couple

everyday I wrote my feeling to you
wish you can hear what will I say to you...

"You're not a perfect woman and I'm not a perfect man"... together we could be a perfect couple, that's what he said to his woman...
Am I dreaming alone or you will join with me?

Thursday, July 09, 2009


ada rasa sakit ketika melihatnya...
suatu beban terasa menghimpit diri ini...
.........rasanya aneh......

Aku pasrah, Tuhan...semuanya kuserahkan pada-Mu
Bila aku masih boleh memohon, aku hanya ingin yang terbaik dalam hidupku
namun kuserahkan pada kehendak-Mu...
ku tahu Engkau akan memberikan yang terbaik untukku
ku tahu bahwa segala peristiwa dalam hidupku sebagai bukti rasa sayang-Mu pada ciptaan-Mu, baik peristiwa yang manis dan pahit... karena Engkau ingin aku belajar...
belajar menjalani hidup
belajar menikmati hidup
hingga pada saatnya aku akan kembali pada-Mu, membawa senyum dan syukur karena Engkau telah memberikanku kesempatan untuk belajar dan menikmati hidup di dunia ini...

Tuesday, July 07, 2009


perasaan itu datang lagi...
membuatku tidak dapat berpikir jernih
ada sebuah beban menghimpit disini
membuatku susah bernafas...

is it his feeling or is it mine?

in between... part (2)

kalau lagi jatuh cinta biasanya hati akan berbunga-bunga...
tapi mengapa aku merasa gelisah...
apa aku berharap terlalu banyak pada perasaan ini?
ingin rasanya aku merasakan kembali jatuh cinta tanpa rasa takut akan sesuatu di depan sana...

membuat sebuah permohonan...bisa salah bisa tidak
dikabulkan permohonannya...bisa menyenangkan bisa juga tidak

I just want to enjoy my life and keep it simple stupid...
Meet you... falling in love with you... continue my life with you...
...the rest? Let the time tell me and you about us in this journey



in between...

am I in love?
am I will get hurt?

Didn't I break your heart?
Please excuse me, I never meant to break your heart
but you broke mine...........

Monday, July 06, 2009

I want to be with you

Setiap hari rasanya begitu indah...
Sejak saat kita bertemu, segalanya menjadi menyenangkan...
Kita berbagi tawa, canda, cerita dan duka
Cuma mau bilang, I just want to be with you today and tomorrow... and tomorrow... and tomorrow...
share my life with you...
be your partner in life...

Thursday, July 02, 2009

Deep Condolences

What moves through us is a silence, a quiet sadness, a longing for one more day, one more word, one more touch, we may not understand why you left this earth so soon, or why you left before we were ready to say good-bye, but little by little, we begin to remember not just that you died, but that you lived. And that your life gave us memories too beautiful to forget... May you rest in peace, my brother...

Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Miss you

How can I miss him like this?

I miss you like the dessert missed the rain...
I miss you like the morning missed the sunshine...
I miss you like the sand missed the sea...

I miss the way you used to hug me, I miss the way you used to kiss my lips, but most of all I miss the way you held me and my heart.

I miss you...