Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Hari ini ada yang aneh pada diriku... some part of me, I mean the real me mulai terbuka tetapi di sisi lain aku merasa ada sesuatu yang aneh yang kurasa this isn't me or is it the real me???

2009, at least I start it with a new hope in new office. Yes, I got new job. I thank God to help me out from my old place, Alhamdulillah.. Bukannya aku merasa tidak berterimakasih tetapi suasana yang sudah tidak nyaman membuat diriku merasa it's time to move on!! And I got it though this isn't what I dream of but I learn something new here, meet new people and slowly but sure 'the real me' is open. Maybe this is the message... I don't know... I'm just wondering until the truth is reveal

Ok, the story begin from my new job.
Yup, something new... it's excited to use my brain again hahaha even I got tired or sleepy because I get home very late. Well, it's life... seems like this is my next journey to get to know about the life, my life for sure ;)

Then, something weird about today... rasanya tidak enak dan jahat karena telah membuat orang yang baik padaku merasa bersalah. But he's over react most of the time... I can't stand with it and I finally said it...well not all but one by one (mmm..really? One by one?)
Before that, another person, d'oh, someone I like alot did something bad to me... I get pissed off and felt so b*#tchy!! Ya, he did what he said but the way he did it...hurt me :(( I should know that he's going to do that again because it wasn't the 1st time. Blame me for being HOT!!
And just now, my not that pure friend (TTM), doing (again) his bad habit. I don't know why all those things happen berurutan.. I did my pray and wish for 'that' so I just wondering is it part of the selection?
My mood isn't not in the good mood, I can get moody so quickly...maybe it's because I get tired and felt part of my old life is missing. Life is move on as I move to the next step. God is here and around me :)

Oh one more thing, I'm not sure but I think there's connection too with I get internet connection at home. More time for virtual world and yep that things too... Gosh, you showed me ME!!

OK, sleepy now... It's time to go to bed and wake up early tomorrow for a better day and a better life :)

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